There is not a more sanctifying set of verses in the Bible than James 1:19-20, “…be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger, for human anger does not accomplish God’s righteousness” (CSB). So what happens when we’re slow to listen, quick to speak, and quick to anger, especially with our spouse and… View Post
154. Marriage in Social Isolation
In part 3 of the Famous at Home series during social isolation, we talk about marriage. With spouses in close quarters, work schedules changing, and kids home from school, spouses are forced to begin communicating in new ways. Marriages once held together by busyness are now struggling because of idleness. In this episode, we talk… View Post
How to Fight Fair in Marriage: 5 Communication Tips That Will Help You Resolve Conflicts With Your Spouse
Guest post from our friends at Thriveworks. Relationships are hard. And despite our fantasies, marriage doesn’t make them any easier. In fact, we often experience our biggest challenges in marriage, from fights about money to declining sexual intimacy, parenthood, and a waning appreciation for each other, just to name a few. Many people brush these issues… View Post
#71: Your Questions: Emotional Safety + Parenting
Your questions are fuel for us for two reasons. First, you are real and desire to live a great story for your kids. Secondly, your courage to ask questions helps everyone listening to the podcast. If you struggle with something, other families struggle with it too. It’s an honor being in this together with you…. View Post