Welcome to our “best of” series of the summer! The next two episodes are gold medallion interviews with our podcast “resident therapists.” This week, we interview Sissy Goff from Daystar Counseling about what our daughters need. Next week, we interview David Thomas about what our sons need. In this episode, Sissy breaks down what our… View Post
#88: What Our Daughters Need with Sissy Goff
The next two episodes are gold medallion interviews with our podcast “resident therapists.” This week, we interview Sissy Goff from Daystar Counseling about what our daughters need. Next week, we interview David Thomas about what our sons need. In this episode, Sissy breaks down what our girls need in the following age groups: Birth-5: The… View Post
#46: Parenting Girls with Purpose & Intentionality with Jonathan + Wynter Pitts
Jonathan and Wynter Pitts have four beautiful girls. At one point, three of them were in diapers at the same time. As you can imagine, Wynter was overwhelmed. But in the middle of the exhaustion and discontentment, she found purpose and contentment. During this time, the Lord revealed to her a need he wanted her… View Post
#31: The Core Social Milestones of Boys and Girls with David Thomas & Sissy Goff
Our affectionally labeled “resident child therapists,” David Thomas and Sissy Goff are back on the podcast! In season 1, David and Sissy joined us to talk about the emotional milestones of boys and girls. Now that school is in full session, we talk with them about social milestones. Respectively, Sissy eloquently describes how girls can… View Post