Dorena Williamson joins us for a beautiful, honest, and at times, uncomfortable conversation about race. Dorena loves the power of story and writes children’s books that adults need too. She is the author of ColorFull, ThoughtFull, and GraceFull, children’s books that feature diverse ethnicity and shape perspective on race, disability, and homelessness. She is the co-planter of multiracial Strong… View Post
#93: How to Talk to Your Kids About Racial Differences with Trillia Newbell
We live in a beautifully diverse world. Unfortunately, our world is also plagued by racial and ethnic division. As families, we can bring unity and change by embracing our differences. But it requires that we pass onto our kids what it means to walk in love, not fear—a lesson that’s easier said, than done. In this… View Post
#33 Championing Your Child’s Love for Learning with Mr. Stuart Tutler
Education is one of the most challenging topics for many parents. Do we homeschool our kids? Is it okay to send them to public school? Or should we invest in private school? What about a parent’s role in their child’s education? How much responsibility should we shoulder versus the school itself? These are questions we… View Post