Did you ever read a book you just had to tell someone about? Or learn a lesson you needed to shout from the rooftops? This episode is our “you must know” game changers in 2021. In this episode, with laughter and grateful hearts, we discuss some of the books, music, practices, daily rhythms, and lessons that changed… View Post
213. The Heart of the Leader
Being a leader can often feel lonely and exhausting. Rather than leading from a full heart, we lead from an empty one. In trying times, we even question if it’s worth it. But listen, you don’t have to resign to this journey. We lead others best when we lead from a heart of joy. And… View Post
208. What Do I Do With Worry: Parent’s Edition
Recently, we asked the Famous at Home community to send in questions about worry. Notably, the most feedback we received was in regards to parenting. To continue the What Do I Do With Worry? 3-week podcast series, Josh and Christi discuss a few listener questions and speak to the parent side of worry. In this… View Post
169. Justice, Race, and the Family of God with Fr. Aaron Smallwood
Fr. Aaron Smallwood joins us for a conversation on racial injustice and what it means for today’s family and the family of God. If you’re learning about the root of the racial tension in America and trying to figure out how to talk to your kids about racial justice, this is a good starting conversation…. View Post